Coping Strategies – Susan2


Susan2's biggest lifestyle change was dietary changes - watching sodium and potassium.


The biggest lifestyle change has actually been happening in the last couple of years because I really, really, really have to be careful of my sodium and potassium. So dietary changes have really become important. And my wonderful doctors at Toronto are very much on my case about that, through bloodwork. The Medly program, that’s another technology [smartphone telemonitoring]. And I have a nurse, that contacts me every time my numbers are out of whack, and you know, ‘Go for bloodwork Susan, do this Susan.’ And it’s wonderful. I have day to day care through him and the team with that piece of technology. But other than that, I think it’s now, it’s more important to me, the lifestyle changes. I did ignore things. I was not a good heart patient always. I was sloppy. I ate way too much. And I didn’t do well.

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